#203 Sophistication ♫ | New Clothes *COCO* and More | /Event's\


Lady Vesios - 

Hair - [LeLutka]-BAMBI hair/Naturals [NEW]

Coat  - *COCO*_ShawlCollarCoat_Black @FaMESHed [NEW]

Pants  - *COCO*_TailoredPants_Black @FaMESHed [NEW]

Shoes - ..::ILLI::.. - SLink Felicia with HUD [NEW]

Glasses - .Jairaj.RoundFramedShades

Bag - OVH - Greta Bag . Black

Necklace - Pure Poison - Lucrezia Necklace 

Lipstick - [A] Amore Lipstick - Light Red @The Dresigners Market [NEW]
KallenoBlush Alex -

Hair - Exile::Machinehead Natural Fusion 2 @TMD [NEW]

Coat - *COCO*Homme_ShawlCollarCoat_Bordeaux @TMD [NEW]

Pants - *COCO*Homme_TailoredPants_Black @TMD [NEW]

Shoes - ..::ILLI::.. -  Marcus Formal Slip on Shoes [NEW]

Glasses - [BENJAMINZ] /// BOEING (BLACK) @The Show Room [NEW]

Cluntch - -David Heather-Safety Clutch/Mahogany [GATCHA]

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